Not a very original title. But its Christmas Eve afternoon...just home from work. Trying to rest a little because it will be a late night. Singing at Midnight Mass tonight. Doing a lot of heavy duty music, so it will be exhausting as well. Its nice to sit here and just listen to Christmas music on the radio. It'll go "poof" after tomorrow.
We have the latest Indiana Jones movie that we rented from Blockbuster a few days ago, but haven't watched yet. Neil is out riding his bike and when he returns we'll probably watch it.
We are giving an older gentleman from my choir who lives around the corner a ride out to St. Andrew's. He's been singing with Bill for, I think near to 40 years now. He's in his 80s and has a heart condition and isn't in the best shape anymore, but he loves his singing, so we're happy to help him get out there. We won't go to Denny's this year since it will be too late for him, but it isn't much fun anyway with just the two of us. We're getting too old ourselves anyway. We bought some muffins from Shoppers for tomorrow breakfast anyway and we don't need all the extra calories.
We're planning on leg of Lamb tomorrow...thinking about grilling it because the temps are supposed to be in the high 40s. Also making Tautiflette (a potato dish) with three types of cheese: Camembert, Guyere, and Swiss...should be good. It will be a quiet day. That's about it for today!
Merry Christmas everyone!
P.S. I've fixed it so anyone can comment. You don't have to register to comment now.
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